matlab.GLMestimatesingletrial(design, data, stimdur, tr, outputdir, opt)


[results,resultsdesign] = GLMestimatesingletrial(design,data,stimdur,tr,outputdir,opt)

<design> is the experimental design. There are two possible cases:

  1. A where A is a matrix with dimensions time x conditions. Each column should be zeros except for ones indicating condition onsets.

  2. {A1 A2 A3 … An} where each of the A’s are like the previous case. The different A’s correspond to different runs, and different runs can have different numbers of time points. However, all A’s must have the same number of conditions.

Note that we ultimately compute single-trial response estimates (one estimate for each condition onset), and these will be provided in chronological order. However, by specifying that a given condition occurs more than one time over the course of the experiment, this information can and will be used for cross-validation purposes.

<data> is the time-series data with dimensions X x Y x Z x time or a cell vector of elements that are each X x Y x Z x time. XYZ can be collapsed such that the data are given as a 2D matrix (units x time), which is useful for surface-format data. The dimensions of <data> should mirror that of <design>. For example, <design> and <data> should have the same number of runs, the same number of time points, etc. <data> should not contain any NaNs. We automatically convert <data> to single format if not already in single format.

<stimdur> is the duration of a trial in seconds. For example, 3.5 means that you expect the neural activity from a given trial to last for 3.5 s.

<tr> is the sampling rate in seconds. For example, 1 means that we get a new time point every 1 s. Note that <tr> applies to both <design> and <data>.

<outputdir> (optional) is a directory to which files will be written. (If the directory does not exist, we create it; if the directory already exists, we delete its contents so we can start fresh.) If you set <outputdir> to NaN, we will not create a directory and no files will be written. If you provide {outputdir figuredir}, we will save the large output files to <outputdir> and the small figure files to <figuredir> (either or both can be NaN). Default is ‘GLMestimatesingletrialoutputs’ (created in the current working directory).

<opt> (optional) is a struct with the following optional fields:


<wantlibrary> (optional) is:

  • 0 means use an assumed HRF

  • 1 means determine the best HRF for each voxel using the library-of-HRFs approach

  • Default: 1.

<wantglmdenoise> (optional) is

  • 0 means do not perform GLMdenoise

  • 1 means perform GLMdenoise

  • Default: 1.

<wantfracridge> (optional) is

  • 0 means do not perform ridge regression

  • 1 means perform ridge regression

  • Default: 1.

<chunknum> (optional) is the number of voxels that we will process at the same time. This number should be large in order to speed computation, but should not be so large that you run out of RAM. Note that the <chunknum> that you choose does not affect any of the results or outputs; it merely affects execution time and RAM usage. Default: 50000.

<xvalscheme> (optional) is a cell vector of vectors of run indices, indicating the cross-validation scheme. For example, if we have 8 runs, we could use {[1 2] [3 4] [5 6] [7 8]} which indicates to do 4 folds of cross-validation, first holding out the 1st and 2nd runs, then the 3rd and 4th runs, etc. Default: {[1] [2] [3] … [n]} where n is the number of runs.

<sessionindicator> (optional) is 1 x n (where n is the number of runs) with positive integers indicating the run groupings that are interpreted as “sessions”. The purpose of this input is to allow for session-wise z-scoring of single-trial beta weights for the purposes of hyperparameter evaluation. For example, if you are analyzing data aggregated from multiple scan sessions, you may want beta weights to be z-scored per voxel within each session in order to compensate for any potential gross changes in betas across scan sessions. Note that the z-scoring has effect only INTERNALLY: it is used merely to calculate the cross-validation performance and the associated hyperparameter selection; the outputs of this function do not reflect z-scoring, and the user may wish to post-hoc apply z-scoring. Default: 1*ones(1,n) which means to interpret all runs as coming from the same session.


<wantfileoutputs> (optional) is a logical vector [A B C D] indicating which of the four model types to save to disk (assuming that they are computed).

  • A = 0/1 for saving the results of the ONOFF model

  • B = 0/1 for saving the results of the FITHRF model

  • C = 0/1 for saving the results of the FITHRF_GLMDENOISE model

  • D = 0/1 for saving the results of the FITHRF_GLMDENOISE_RR model

  • Default: [1 1 1 1] which means save all computed results to disk.

<wantmemoryoutputs> (optional) is a logical vector [A B C D] indicating which of the four model types to return in the output <results>. The user must be careful with this, as large datasets can require a lot of RAM. If you do not request the various model types, they will be cleared from memory (but still potentially saved to disk). Default: [0 0 0 1] which means return only the final type-D model.


<extraregressors> (optional) is time x regressors or a cell vector of elements that are each time x regressors. The dimensions of <extraregressors> should mirror that of <design> (i.e. same number of runs, same number of time points). The number of extra regressors does not have to be the same across runs, and each run can have zero or more extra regressors. If [] or not supplied, we do not use extra regressors in the model.

<maxpolydeg> (optional) is a non-negative integer with the maximum polynomial degree to use for polynomial nuisance functions, which are used to capture low-frequency noise fluctuations in each run. Can be a vector with length equal to the number of runs (this allows you to specify different degrees for different runs). Default is to use round(L/2) for each run where L is the duration in minutes of a given run.

<wantpercentbold> (optional) is whether to convert amplitude estimates to percent BOLD change. This is done as the very last step, and is accomplished by dividing by the absolute value of ‘meanvol’ and multiplying by 100. (The absolute value prevents negative values in ‘meanvol’ from flipping the sign.) Default: 1.


<hrftoassume> (optional) is time x 1 with an assumed HRF that characterizes the evoked response to each trial. We automatically divide by the maximum value so that the peak is equal to 1. Default is to generate a canonical HRF (see getcanonicalhrf.m). Note that the HRF supplied in <hrftoassume> is used in only two instances: (1) it is used for the simple ONOFF type-A model, and (2) if the user sets <wantlibrary> to 0, it is also used for the type-B, type-C, and type-D models.

<hrflibrary> (optional) is time x H with H different HRFs to choose from for the library-of-HRFs approach. We automatically normalize each HRF to peak at 1. Default is to generate a library of 20 HRFs (see getcanonicalhrflibrary.m). Note that if <wantlibrary> is 0, <hrflibrary> is clobbered with the contents of <hrftoassume>, which in effect causes a single assumed HRF to be used.


<firdelay> (optional) is the total time duration in seconds over which to estimate the run-wise FIR model (where we assume an ONOFF design matrix in which all conditions are collapsed together). Default: 30.

<firpct> (optional) is a percentile threshold. We average the FIR model R2 values across runs and then select voxels that pass this threshold. These voxels are used for the FIR timecourse summaries. Default: 99.




<wantlss> (optional) is 0/1 indicating whether “least-squares-separate” estimates are desired. If 1, then the type-B model will be estimated using the least-squares- separate method (as opposed to ordinary least squares). Default: 0.


<numpcstotry> (optional) is a non-negative integer indicating the maximum number of PCs to enter into the model. Default: 10.

<brainthresh> (optional) is [A B] where A is a percentile for voxel intensity values and B is a fraction to apply to the percentile. These parameters are used in the selection of the noise pool. Default: [99 0.1].

<brainR2> (optional) is an R^2 value (percentage). After fitting the type-A model, voxels whose R^2 is below this value are allowed to enter the noise pool. Default is [] which means to automatically determine a good value.

<brainexclude> (optional) is X x Y x Z (or XYZ x 1) with 1s indicating voxels to specifically exclude when selecting the noise pool. 0 means all voxels can be potentially chosen. Default: 0.

<pcR2cutoff> (optional) is an R^2 value (percentage). To decide the number of PCs to include, we examine a subset of the available voxels. Specifically, we examine voxels whose type-A model R^2 is above <pcR2cutoff>. Default is [] which means to automatically determine a good value.

<pcR2cutoffmask> (optional) is X x Y x Z (or XYZ x 1) with 1s indicating all possible voxels to consider when selecting the subset of voxels. 1 means all voxels can be potentially selected. Default: 1.

<pcstop> (optional) is

  • A: a number greater than or equal to 1 indicating when to stop adding PCs into the model. For example, 1.05 means that if the cross-validation performance with the current number of PCs is within 5% of the maximum observed, then use that number of PCs. (Performance is measured relative to the case of 0 PCs.) When <pcstop> is 1, the selection strategy reduces to simply choosing the PC number that achieves the maximum. The advantage of stopping early is to achieve a selection strategy that is robust to noise and shallow performance curves and that avoids overfitting.

  • -B: where B is the number of PCs to use for the final model. B can be any integer between 0 and opt.numpcstotry. Note that if -B case is used, cross-validation is NOT performed for the type-C model, and instead we blindly use B PCs.

  • Default: 1.05.


<fracs> (optional) is a vector of fractions that are greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1. We automatically sort in descending order and ensure the fractions are unique. These fractions indicate the regularization levels to evaluate using fractional ridge regression (fracridge) and cross-validation. Default: fliplr(.05:.05:1). A special case is when <fracs> is specified as a single scalar value. In this case, cross-validation is NOT performed for the type-D model, and we instead blindly use the supplied fractional value for the type-D model.

<wantautoscale> (optional) is whether to automatically scale and offset the model estimates from the type-D model to best match the unregularized estimates. Default: 1.

This function computes up to four model outputs (called type-A (ONOFF), type-B (FITHRF), type-C (FITHRF_GLMDENOISE), and type-D (FITHRF_GLMDENOISE_RR)), and either saves the model outputs to disk, or returns them in <results>, or both, depending on what the user specifies.

There are a variety of cases that you can achieve. Here are some examples:

  • wantlibrary=1, wantglmdenoise=1, wantfracridge=1 [Default]

    • A = simple ONOFF model

    • B = single-trial estimates using a tailored HRF for every voxel

    • C = like B but with GLMdenoise regressors added into the model

    • D = like C but with ridge regression regularization (tailored to each voxel)

  • wantlibrary=0

    A fixed assumed HRF is used in all model types.

  • wantglmdenoise=0, wantfracridge=0

    Model types C and D are not computed.

  • wantglmdenoise=0, wantfracridge=1

    Model type C is not computed; model type D is computed using 0 GLMdenoise regressors.

  • wantglmdenoise=1, wantfracridge=0

    Model type C is computed; model type D is not computed.

  • wantlss=1

    Model type B is computed, but using least-squares-separate instead of OLS. Other model types, if computed, use OLS.

Note that if you set wantglmdenoise=1, you MUST have repeats of conditions and an associated cross-validation scheme (<opt.xvalscheme>), UNLESS you specify opt.pcstop = -B. In other words, you can perform wantglmdenoise without any cross-validation, but you need to provide opt.pcstop = -B.

Note that if you set wantfracridge=1, you MUST have repeats of conditions and an associated cross-validation scheme (<opt.xvalscheme>), UNLESS you specify a single scalar opt.fracs. In other words, you can perform wantfracridge without any cross-validation, but you need to provide opt.fracs as a scalar.


We return model results in the output variable <results>. These results are saved to disk in files called ‘TYPEA…’, ‘TYPEB…’, and so on. There are various outputs for each of the four model types:

<modelmd> is either

  1. the HRF (time x 1) and ON-OFF beta weights (X x Y x Z)

  2. the full set of single-trial beta weights (X x Y x Z x TRIALS)

<R2> is model accuracy expressed in terms of R^2 (percentage).

<R2run> is R2 separated by run

<meanvol> is the mean of all volumes

<FitHRFR2> is the R2 for each of the different HRFs in the library

<FitHRFR2run> is separated by run

<HRFindex> is the 1-index of the best HRF

<HRFindexrun> is HRFindex separated by run

<noisepool> indicates voxels selected for the noise pool

<pcregressors> indicates the full set of candidate GLMdenoise regressors that were found

<glmbadness> is the cross-validation results for GLMdenoise

<pcvoxels> is the set of voxels used to summarize GLMdenoise cross-validation results

<xvaltrend> is the summary GLMdenoise cross-validation result on which pcnum selection is done

<pcnum> is the number of PCs that were selected for the final model

<FRACvalue> is the fractional ridge regression regularization level chosen for each voxel

<rrbadness> is the cross-validation results for the ridge regression

<scaleoffset> is the scale and offset applied to RR estimates to best match the unregularized result

Note that not all outputs exist for every model type.

We also return design-related results in the output variable <resultsdesign>. These results are saved to disk to a file called ‘DESIGNINFO…’. The outputs include:

<design> is as specified by the user (with possibly some minor regularization)

<stimdur> is as specified by the user

<tr> is as specified by the user

<opt> is as specified by the user (with possibly some minor regularization)

<designSINGLE> is a single-trial design matrix corresponding to <design>

<stimorder> is a row vector indicating which condition (1-indexed) each trial (in chronological order) belongs to

<numtrialrun> is a row vector with the number of trials in each run

<condcounts> is a row vector with the number of trials associated with each condition

<condinruns> is a row vector with the number of runs that each condition shows up in

<endbuffers> is a row vector with the number of seconds after the last trial onset in each run

We also return diagnostic FIR-related results — these are saved to disk to a file called ‘RUNWISEFIR…’. The outputs include:

<firR2> is the R2 of the FIR model for each run (X x Y x Z x run).

<firtcs> is the estimated FIR timecourse for each run (X x Y x Z x 1 x time x run). Note that the first time point is coincident with trial onset and the time points are at the sampling rate corresponding to <tr>.

<firavg> is the estimated FIR timecourse in each run (time x run). These are obtained by calculating the median timecourse across the “best” voxels (see opt.firpct).

<firgrandavg> is the average of <firavg> across runs (time x 1).


If <outputdir> is set appropriately, we will generate a variety of useful figures and save them to disk. Note that if you provide your data in 3D format (e.g. X x Y x Z x T), we will be able to write out a number of additional useful slice inspections that you will not get if you provide your data in collapsed format (e.g. XYZ x T).

betaviz_type[B,C,D].png - an image visualization of betas obtained under the type-B, type-C, and type-D models. The matrix dimensions are 1,000 voxels x trials. We choose 1,000 voxels equally spaced in descending order from the 100th to 75th percentiles of the R^2 values produced by the ONOFF model. The colormap is cmapsign4.m (blueish colors to black to reddish colors) from -X to X where X is the 99th percentile of the absolute value of the betas in the first model that is actually computed (typically, this will be the type-B model).

dmetric_type[B,C,D].png - a “deviation from zero” metric calculated based on the betas obtained under the type-B, type-C, and type-D models. We use a hot colormap ranging between the min and max of the values obtained for the first model that is computed (typically, this will be the type-B model).

FRACvalue.png - chosen fractional ridge regression value (copper colormap between 0 and 1)

HRFindex.png - 1-index of chosen HRF (jet colormap between 1 and the number of HRFs in the library)

meanvol.png - simply the mean across all data volumes

noisepool.png - voxels selected for the noise pool (white means selected)

onoffR2_vs_HRFindex.png - scatter plot of the R^2 of the ONOFF model against the chosen HRF index. All voxels are shown. A small amount of jitter is added to the HRF index in order to aid visibility.

onoffR2.png - R^2 of the ONOFF model (sqrt hot colormap between 0% and 100%)

onoffR2hist.png - depicts the finding of an automatic threshold on the ONOFF model R^2. This is used in determining the noise pool (but can be overridden by opt.brainR2).

pcvoxels.png - voxels used to summarize GLMdenoise cross-validation results (white means selected)

runwiseFIR_R2_runXX.png - for each run, the R^2 of the diagnostic FIR model (sqrt hot colormap between 0% and 100%)

runwiseFIR_R2_runavg.png - simply the average of the R^2 across runs

runwiseFIR.png - Upper left shows run-wise FIR estimates. The estimates reflect the mean FIR timecourse averaged across a set of “best” voxels (see opt.firpct). The mean of these mean FIR timecourses across runs is indicated by the thick red line. Upper right shows FIR amplitudes at the peak time observed in the grand mean timecourse (indicated by the dotted black line). Bottom left shows the HRFs in the library as colored lines and the “assumed HRF” as a thick black line. Note that these reflect any user-specified customization (as controlled via opt.hrftoassume and opt.hrflibrary).

runwiseFIR_summaryvoxels.png - the voxels that were used for runwiseFIR.png

typeD_R2_runXX.png - the R^2 of the final type-D model computed using data from individual runs (sqrt hot colormap between 0% and 100%)

typeD_R2.png - the R^2 of the final type-D model (using all data)

xvaltrend.png - shows the cross-validation performance for different numbers of GLMdenoise regressors. Note that the y-axis units are correct but not easy to interpret.